Las Vegas Honda Dealers


Las Vegas’s robust Hispanic market wasn’t being spoken to much by Las Vegas Honda Dealers. In fact, their Hispanic share was only about 11-13%. With incredible buying power, untapped brand loyalty opportunities, and values that align with Honda, Las Vegas Honda Dealers knew it was time to say “hola” to the Hispanic buyer.


We combined creative and media insights to implement a new Hispanic strategy. We started with our new “Mi Familia, Mi Honda” campaign, which shows just how well the two combine, and at the same time, we optimized our programming to lean into more nuanced consumption habits. A dedicated paid search campaign, engagement with local influencers, and pivoting linear & audio dayparts to evening and late night also helped cement our strategy into success. In no time, Las Vegas Honda Dealers saw stellar results.


Their Hispanic share increased 26%, becoming one of the largest share growths across all Honda Dealer Auto Associations in the nation. Along with a massive uptick in conversations about Honda, Las Vegas, and the Hispanic market due to our paid search update, Las Vegas Honda Dealers now is .02% less than the national Hispanic market share.